Thursday 16 March 2017


Almost all of us have suffered from acne at some point in our lives and of course have completely detested it. Like we all know acne is a problem concerned with the oil glands in our skin. When our skin produces too much sebum and it isn't washed away, it gets trapped beneath the skin that causes clogged pores known as acne.

Acne usually appears on skin in the form of comedones(blackheads and whiteheads), pimples(tender red bumps) or pustules(bumps filled with pus).

The main reasons that can cause acne are;

Dirt and pollution.

Food - Diet plays an important role in the way your skin looks and feels. It isn't only about applying expensive creams on the outside but it is more important to purify your body from within since that is what reflects more.

Stress - Reduce the level of stress you take. Do meditate for 10-15 minutes a day. Yoga also helps in reducing stress.

Unhygienic lifestyle.


Some pore clogging cosmetics and creams.

Now let's talk about the sure for acne;

Eat healthy food.

Stay hydrated so that all the toxins can get flushed out of your body. Drink a lot of water.

Use an anti - acne face wash. (Preferable with neem)

Apply Vitamin A creams .i.e. retinol creams.

Apply aloe vera gel.

Apply tea tree oil at the zits.

Use a toner daily.

Use a clean towel to wipe your face.


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